Date Archive

The Touchdown Moment for Brands: CTV and Digital Audio in the NFL and College Football Season

It’s that time of year again – the rumble of the crowds, the sound of the whistle, and the exhilarating tension on the field. The NFL and college football seasons are upon us, offering advertisers a unique opportunity to score big with their target audiences. As the digital landscape continuously evolves, the significance of Connected…

August 21, 2023
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Programmatic Buying Agency… What the heck do they do?

In the fast-evolving world of digital advertising, brands and businesses have to keep pace with the latest trends to remain relevant. One such trend is programmatic advertising, which has revolutionized the way advertisers purchase ad slots across various media. As the consumption of Connected TV (CTV), podcasts, and digital audio surges, the importance of leveraging…

August 8, 2023
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